Children’s Ministries
Check Out Our Children’s Ministry Events!
Welcome to Bethesda UMC Children’s Ministry - Growing Young Hearts and Minds
- Meet children on their own developmental levels.
- Teach them of Christ's love and grace.
- Equip them to serve and love others.
- Nurture their spiritual growth.
- Help them to rely on God's word and guidance.

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
– Colossians 2:6-7
Our VISION for children is that they will:
- Come to know Christ and experience His love.
- Understand and trust in His Word.
- Grow in His grace and plant deep roots in His church.
- Extend Christ's love to others.
Sprouts Nursery
Our nursery serves children aged birth to 4 years on Sunday mornings during worship service and Sunday School. Our nursery workers are Safe Sanctuary certified, have childcare experience, and are friendly and compassionate followers of Christ who wish to plant seeds in the lives of our children leading them to grow up in Christ’s love.
Sunday School Classes
10:00 am
Sunday School is great time for sharing and learning for all age groups!
Nursery to age 3: Room 106
K4- 1st Grade: Room 105
2nd- 5th Grade: Room 109
Located on the first floor of the Education Building

Creating A Safe Environment
We believe that a safe and caring environment is the best place to encounter the Lord.
All leaders & volunteers are Safe Sanctuary certified with background checks.
More Ways to Get Involved
Children’s Choir
Ages 3 to 5th Grade
Sundays 4- 4:30pm
Room 205

Our Children’s Choir meets during the school year. They learn upbeat Christian songs and each year perform a Christmas Program. If you have a child that would like to participate in the Children’s Choir or if you need more information, please contact Erin Hiller.
Children’s Sunday Schedule
Ages Preschool- 5th Grade
Sundays 4- 5:30pm
Room 205 & Gym
Every Sunday, children of all ages will meet for a time of learning about Jesus and fellowship with one another. This is open to children of all ages, from nursery age- 5th grade. Children may be signed in and dropped off, or families can stay together.
4:00- 4:30 pm- Songs & Stories– Meets in Room 205.
4:30-5:30 pm- Open Gym– Every week you will find toys, crafts, basketballs and more available! This time is just about having fun!
God’s Knights First Wednesday
Dinner & Devotion
2nd to 5th Grades
First Wednesday of the Month 6- 7pm

We meet the first Wednesday of each month for dinner & a short devotion. The God’s Knights Ministry allows our children to get a good foundation of the Bible and dig deeper into each book of the Bible. We encourage all 2nd through 5th graders to come and participate in this special Bible enrichment ministry. Meets in the lower level of the Education Building in the God’s Knights room.
2nd to 6th Grades
Sundays During Traditional Service

To acolyte is one of the first acts of service for children to serve God in the church. We offer training on becoming an Acolyte and celebrate the service of our children when they graduate from the program. If you have a child/youth in 2nd through 6th grade, please encourage them to participate in our Acolyte Ministry. The service rotation is every other month. Contact our Director of Children’s Ministries, Erin Hiller, for more information.
Special Events

Camp Bethesda
Get ready for summer fun with Camp Bethesda, a summer camp adventure with God! We are taking the learning and fun from a traditional week of Vacation Bible School and spreading it throughout the summer! Camp Bethesda will be held from 6-8 pm throughout a series of Wednesdays. Registration is required. Please see the graphic on our Children’s page for dates & more information! We welcome all children that have completed K4 through 5th grade.

Mighty Missions
Missions are the heart of Bethesda, and we believe you are never too young to be the hands & feet of Jesus!
- Jesus Loves You! Valentine Event
- Spring Festival & Easter Egg Hunt
- Summer Fun Outings & Events
- Promotion Sunday
- Pumpkin Patch
- Fall Festival/Trunk-Or-Treat
- Christmas Program
- Cookies with Santa
BUMC Children’s Permission Form
In an effort to conform to our Safe Sanctuary Policy at Bethesda, please remember to fill out a Permission Form
for the year so that your student can attend outings/events with our church.