Adult Sunday School Classes
Knowing His Story
Deepen your relationship with Christ and influence in the world by knowing Scripture and giving it authority in your life. All Sunday School classes meet at 10:00 am in the Education Building classrooms.
Find the Adult Sunday School Class for You!
Common Ground
Room: 210
The Common Ground College & Career Ministry Class is for young adults who have graduated high school or are of equivalent age, those currently in college and those just working on life! This class currently meets during semester breaks.
Room: 216
The Crosstalk Class is a motivational and inspirational discussion-oriented class that uses videos and Bible-based teaching to develop the spiritual nature in ourselves so we can share our faith with others. They utilize RightNow Media or books as guides. All adult ages.
New Life Christian
Room: 214
The New Life Christian Class focuses on spiritual growth and life application of Biblical principles using the UMC Cokesbury literature, with additional periods of study geared towards developing a deeper understanding of the Bible. The class rotates teachers weekly among 8 people in order to have different teaching styles and perspectives presented. The class strives to provide a strong foundation for an active Christian life. They also have many social activities and try to have several mission-focused activities each year. Class members range from 40’s to 60’s and are involved in many areas of the church.
Young Couples & Families Class
Room 206
This class is brand new and tailored to our young couples and those with small children. Come enjoy a cup of coffee and fellowship with others at one of the best stages of life!
Irene Cely Class
Room: 207/208
The Irene Cely Class has existed for more than 50 years. It is known for its active service and financial support of church projects, community needs and Comet School for children in Kenya. Its prayer and card ministries have touched the lives of many. Class format and curriculum include video presentations from RightNow Media, a library of Bible study video resources to which our church subscribes. Pre-class study guides offer Bible scriptures, lesson information and questions to consider for open class discussion as our class strives to become more Christlike in our daily lives. All ages are welcome in this friendly, caring class!
Adventures in Faith
Room: 213
The Adventures in Faith Class is a Bible-based and issues-oriented class with focused discussion and application of the Word to everyday living. Service and prayer are central to this group. 50+ ages, all are welcome!