Youth Ministries

Youth Ministry Events

Sunday School

Sunday School is an opportunity for our students to engage with scripture. All Youth meet in the Youth room (Rm 115) at 10:00 am. Classes are taught by rotating Adult Volunteer teachers and focus on various Bible studies throughout the year. Students hear messages, discuss their faith, and grow together in their relationship with Jesus.

Sunday Night Youth

On Sunday afternoons we meet from 4- 5:30pm in the Youth room (Rm 115). We begin with Bible Study and then have rec time which can be anything from playing pool, foosball, boardgames, video games or just hanging out! Sometimes we will forego our regular schedule and have game night, movie night, and other things of that nature. We would love for you to join us! Check our social media accounts for updates.  Facebook- Bethesda UMC Powdersville, Instagram- bethesdaumc.youth.  Visit Other Ways to Get Involved for information about our big service opportunities, Salkehatchie & Santahatchie!

Special Events

We love doing things together!! We plan special events throughout the year, including:

  • Retreats
  • Salkehatchie
  • Santahatchie
  • Open Youth Room
  • Lock-ins
  • Concerts

Confirmation Class

Confirmation classes take place during the Spring each year.  This ministry focuses on preparing youth for full membership in the United Methodist Church, with a focus on church history, principles, teachings, and sacraments. Students learn about discipleship and their role in the church body. Contact Charla Bloomer or Pastor Judson King for more information.

Permission Form for BUMC Youth Events

In an effort to conform to our Safe Sanctuary Policy at Bethesda, please remember to fill out a Permission Form for the year so that your student can attend outings/events with our church.
